Morning Sex: How to Get It on in the A.M. and Why You Should

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Morning Sex: How to Get It on in the A.M. and Why You Should

What’s the big deal?

There’s no denying that one of the best parts of waking up is downing that fresh cup of coffee. But you know what’s also a great way to start your day? Having morning sex.

That’s right — getting busy when you first wake up has all the benefits of drinking coffee and more. Morning sex helps ease you into your workday. It can boost your energy levels and relieve stress. Having an orgasm definitely improves your mood. And, best of all, you bond with your partner.

To be honest, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t incorporate morning sex into your daily schedule. So today @freakyparty learn why..

Benefits Of Morning Sex

1. Your body is primed and ready to go.

Morning is the perfect time for sex because, quite frankly, your body’s ready for it. That’s because estrogen and testosterone levels are at their peak during this time. Why does that matter? Well, one study found that your libido is affected by your hormone levels —the higher they are, the friskier you feel.

2. He’ll last longer

Speaking of hormones: The more testosterone, the better the sex. High testosterone levels will boost your partner’s libido and improve sexual function, according to one 2007 study. One older review published in 2000 also found that higher testosterone levels can increase erection strength

3. It releases the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin

Morning sex can bring you and your partner closer together. How so? Sex produces oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle hormone.” Oxytocin is the chemical in the brain that controls love and bonding. When it’s released during sex, you’ll feel more connected to your partner.

4. It’s a stress reliever

Want to get rid of stress? Then have morning sex. One 2010 study found that pleasurable activities can reduce your stress hormone levels. That means climaxing before you head to work can put you in a great mood for the rest of the day.

5. It releases endorphins

Morning sex produces endorphins, the magical pain-relieving chemicals in your body that help boost your mood. That’s why you usually feel happier after you’ve climaxed. So why not start your day with a chipper attitude?

6. It counts as a workout

Sure, having morning sex may not be the equivalent of running on a treadmill for an hour, but it’s still one hell of a workout. Sex burns about five calories per minute, according to research from the Harvard Medical School. That’s the same as going for a walk. Wouldn’t you rather burn at least 75 calories with a morning quickie, though?

7. It’s good for your brain

Want to give your brain power a boost? Morning sex is the answer. Multiple studies show that getting busy releases a mix of neurotransmitters and hormones — in particular, dopamine, the feel-good hormone — that can benefit brain health and cognition.

8. It boosts your immune system

Sure, vitamin C might do wonders for your immune system. But so does getting frisky in the morning. Researchers from one 2015 study discovered that sex can boost your immunity by triggering your body’s natural defenses against bacteria, viruses, and other germs.

9. It can help you look younger

Morning sex may be your very own fountain of youth. Some experts think that sex is the key to looking younger because it releases oxytocin, beta endorphins, and other anti-inflammatory molecules. Today @freakyparty you should know that an older research suggests having sex at least three times a week can make you look several years younger than people who have less sex. Orgasms can even benefit your skin in several ways!