Have you ever thought about this? Try it out:
- If Poison expires; is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous? 🤔
- Which letter is silent in the word “Scent,” the S or the C? 🤔
- Do Twins ever realize that one of them is “Unplanned”? 🤔
- Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn’t it be called double V? 🤔
- Maybe Oxygen is slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work. 🤔
- Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty. 🤔
- The word “swims” upside-down is still “swims” 🤔
- 8. 100 years ago everyone owned a Horse and only the rich had Cars. Today everyone has Cars and only the rich own Horses. 🤔
- 9. If you replace “W” with “T” in “What, Where and When”, you get the answer to each of them.
*Still have time for fun..?* *Let’s try this*
Six Great Confusions Which are still unresolved 😄😂
- 1. At a movie theatre, which armrest is yours?
- If people evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?
- Why is there a ‘D’ in the fridge, but not in the refrigerator?
- Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?
*Well Try this now* Vagaries of the English Language! Enjoy.!!! 😀
- Wonder why the word “Funeral” starts with FUN?
- Why isn’t a Fireman called a Waterman?
- How come Lipstick doesn’t do what it says?
- If Money doesn’t grow on Trees, how come Banks have Branches?
- If a Vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a Humanitarian eat?
- How do you get off a non-stop Flight?
- Why are goods sent by *Ship* called CARGO, and those sent by *Truck* SHIPMENT?
- Why do we put cups in the “Dishwasher” and the dishes in the “Cupboard”?
- Why do Doctors “Practice” Medicine? Are they having practice at the cost of the patients?
- Why is it called “Rush Hour” when traffic moves at its slowest?
- How come Noses run and Feet smell?
- Why do they call it a TV ‘set’ when there is only one?
- What are you vacating when you go on a “Vacation”?
We can never find the answers Can we❓ 😀😂😅🤣🥵
If you have the *Spirit* of understanding everything positively – You’ll enjoy every moment in LIFE, whether it’s *PRESSURE or PLEASURE*
So just Enjoy the PUN and FUN of the English Language.