DEAR YOUNG GUYS, Don’t make the mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made.

DEAR YOUNG GUYS, Don't make the mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made.

DEAR YOUNG GUYS, Don’t make the mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made.

DEAR YOUNG GUYS, Don't make the mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made.DEAR YOUNG GUYS AT THE AGE OF 25 TO 30*

Don’t make mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made.

Marry now with the little you have. Don’t wait to

Be a millionaire, Have kids early so you can grow

With them. Grow with your kids and succeed with

Your wife. You will never finish making money or

Achieving your plans. You might still not succeed

At your target year. So start your life early, with

Consistency you will grow.

My father said this to me: When i was 25, i was

Talking about making billions before i marry.

Many years later, billions didn’t come, yet no kid

No wife… I had an opportunity to marry the most beautiful love

Of my life very early, But my fear was, can i

Really take care of her? But right now She’s married with

Four grown up children.

The guy that married her

Was still schooling then, but had the courage.

They worked hard and succeeded together.

So please if you can feed yourself, you can

Feed your wife.

You have to believe it, marry

Early, don’t wait.

Stay away from abortion.

Don’t make our mistakes, I see

My childhood friends play with their kids.. Most

Of them are not doing as well as me.. But they

Are happier with their families..

Trust me it isn’t money only, but Rather your Maturity, your

Happiness depends entirely on your wisdom and the way you Handle Life. With

A well planned life they are happier.

Trust me it

Isn’t money, What is our problem? Build mansion? Buy the latest Car in Town? Marry Sharon stone type? But still we don’t have those things we dreamt of,

And of course the years we wasted, we can never have them neverrrr!!!_

Please don’t be 60yrs old and your kids will still

Be in their 20’s..What are you supposed to be at

That age? Their grand father.

Please young men, take my advice seriously.

Marry, don’t be afraid, that girl you are finding too many

Fault in has many good qualities if you look well.

Don’t think you will get every thing before you

Settle down.

With a good determination and focus  with your wife by your side, we will succeed

By God grace….Amen


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